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Specialized services at Health Suraksha Hospitals

Emergency and Critical Consultations
Supportive Medical Services
Multidisciplinary Committees


We bring quality medical care into our patients’ homes and aim to make primary healthcare not only more accessible

GPS based technology platform for fast and reliable first point medical attention

Hospital Services

Emergency and Critical Consultations

  • Virtual strokes
  • Virtual daily critical care tours

Supportive Medical Services

  • Virtual rays virtual pathology
  • Virtual pharmacy services

Home Care Services

  • Home hospital
  • Virtual monitoring of heart failure patients

Multidisciplinary Committees

  • Virtual heart team
  • Virtual diabetes team
  • Virtual psychology

Specialized Clinics

  • Blood diseases
  • Psychiatry
  • Kidney disease
  • Endocrinology and diabetes
  • Genetic and metabolic diseases
  • Geriatric diseases
  • Medical rehabilitation
  • Heart disease
Consultants and experts from multiple different subspecialties meet to review cases transferred from various health facilities and need a specialized advisory opinion to provide recommendations with access to the patient’s details and form an immediate medical opinion regarding him/her.

Home Care Services

Follow up on patients’ vital signs from home and record them on an electronic platform at Health Suraksha Virtual Hospital to be followed up by a specialized medical team. Provide a daily tour for patients from the virtual specialist consultant. Provide advanced monitoring service for heart failure patients from home by following up their vital signs with innovative technologies to be displayed on an electronic platform in Suraksha Virtual Hospital and followed up by a medical team led by a specialized consultant around-the-clock.

Specialized Clinics

Providing an appointment in the specialized virtual clinic to provide service to patients for whom the appointment has been coordinated from other health facilities through various programs such as Virtual Shared Clinics Program and Virtual Cases Program

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